In his Keynote Speech at The European Business and Management Conference 2014 (EBMC2014), Jun Arima discusses how Abenomics is affecting the Japanese economy and shows the economic signals pointing to recovery. Mr Arima goes over the implementation of the Abe government’s Growth Strategy, including various structural reforms, inward FDI promotion and economic integration. Mr Arima also highlights the Japanese economy’s current situation and its reform process.
Professor Jun Arima
Jun Arima is Director General of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), London and Special Advisor on Global Environmental Affairs for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan. He has previously held various international energy/environment related positions including Head of Division, Country Studies, International Energy Agency (IEA), Director, International Affairs Division, Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, METI and Deputy Director General for Environmental Affairs at METI’s Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau. In the COP (UN Convention on Climate Change) 14, 15 and 16, he was Japanese Chief Negotiator for AWG-KP.