Category: JoE News

From the Editor-in-Chief: IAFOR Journal of Education Blog

This blog is aimed at assisting you with getting published, becoming a reviewer/associate editor/editor, or applying for these positions with the IAFOR Journal of Education. The topics of the blog posts will also be applicable, in the main, both to the IAFOR Journal of Education as well as other journals.

Associate Editors needed for IAFOR Journal of Education

Now approaching the publication of its eighth volume, and positioned as the official journal for IAFOR education conferences globally, the IAFOR Journal of Education (JoE) is moving into a new era. The JoE is an internationally reviewed and editorially independent Open Access interdisciplinary journal, indexed with Scopus and other indexing agencies. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr

Now Published: IAFOR Journal of Education Volume 7 – Issue 2

This is the last issue for 2019 and it has been a hectic one. Our indexing with Scopus has led to a large increase in submissions (140+ for this issue) which has meant increased work for everyone involved in the journal production: reviewers, editors and publication staff.

Call for Editor IAFOR Journal of Education

IAFOR Journal of Education: Call for Editors

Now approaching the publication of its eighth volume, the IAFOR Journal of Education, an internationally reviewed and editorially independent Open Access interdisciplinary journal indexed with Scopus and other indexing agencies, is moving into a new era.  The journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr Yvonne Masters, is calling for four Editors to join an Editorial Board comprising the Executive

Now Published: IAFOR Journal of Education – Volume 7 – Issue 1

This is the first of two issues for 2019 and it marks a new advance for the IAFOR Journal of Education: we are now indexed in Scopus. This means that the journal now has far reaching indexing being listed with Scopus, DOAJ, ERIC, EBSCO Discovery Service, Education Source, MIAR, TROVE, SHERPA/RoMEO, WorldCat and Google Scholar.


IAFOR Journal of Education now in Scopus

We are delighted to announce that from 2019, the IAFOR Journal of Education will be listed in Elsevier’s Scopus database. Scopus is the #1 curated abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, covering over 23,000 journals. By being included in Scopus it will mean the visibility of research from the journal will be greatly enhanced.