Author: Paul C. Corrigan, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Published: September 2015
Citation: Corrigan, P. C. (2015). English For the Medium of Instruction (EFMI) at a University in Hong Kong. IAFOR Journal of Education, 3(2).
English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) is gaining ground as an internationalizing policy at universities in countries where English is normally used as a second language. However, EMI as developed pedagogy in support of such a policy is yet to establish itself at many such institutions. In a country such as the United States, on the other hand, there is already extensive experience covering several decades on the challenges faced by International Teaching Assistants who us English as a Second Language for their teaching. Many of the challenges they face, and the strategies which institutions have devised to assist faculty instructors who use ESL, have relevance for institutions which are now moving to EMI. As those institutions move towards EMI, they may also need to develop their own language and pedagogy training for their new instructors who use ESL. For universities which aspire to rise in the international league tables, such preservice teacher education may be essential for the fulfillment of their aspiration As part of their pre-service teacher education, new instructors at a rising young university in Hong Kong received basic training in English For the Medium of Instruction (EFMI), an original term to articulate this novel reification of a subgenre of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). New instructors found the training helpful but insufficient and expressed a strong interest for additional training in EFMI.
English, medium of instruction, pedagogy, teaching assistants