Exemplary Chinese University Professors: Qualities and Impact on Students

Eugene P. Kim, Concordia University Irvine, China
Mathias Olson, Tathva International School, Japan
Email: eugene.kim@cui.edu
Published: March 2016

Citation: Kim, E. P., & Olson, M. (2016). Exemplary Chinese University Professors: Qualities and Impact on Students. IAFOR Journal of Education, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.22492/ije.4.1.07


This study focuses on the qualities of Chinese university professors as perceived by their students and the effects of those qualities on student learning and motivation. Specifically, what qualities and personal characteristics do Chinese university students attribute to their favorite and least favorite professors, and how do those qualities and characteristics affect Chinese university students? Out of 280 students surveyed from three different universities, 226 surveys were completed, returned and included in the final analysis (response rate of 80.7%). The research found that Chinese students favored professors who are entertaining, who help them learn more and who provide them with helpful feedback on their assignments. Students disfavor professors who are boring, arrogant and do not provide helpful feedback or help them learn more. Linear regressions revealed a connection between high quality professors and student learning and motivation. Along with other studies, this research provides evidence that effective university professors are those who not only possess expertise in their fields, but in addition are engaging, student-focused and able to build rapport with their students.


teacher quality, teacher evaluation, characteristics of teachers, model teachers, teacher impact, teacher-student relationship, student motivation, student-centered education, affect in education