Author: Mozhgan Ghaffarzadeh, Iran
Published: September 1, 2016
Citation: Ghaffarzadeh, M. (2016). A Comparative Study of Discrimination in Education: The Learning Environment and Behaviours of Students and Teachers in Iran. IAFOR Journal of Education, 4(2).
It is the learners' right to get an education free from discrimination. Discrimination in education ranges from gender to race, age, social class, financial status, and other characteristics. In this study the focus is on discrimination in education in regard to social class and financial status. The paper describes observations of the school building layout and corresponding activities and behaviours in language education classes. The researcher observed 10 English language classes from different districts during 10 years from 2004 through 2014 and took notes on the activities and behaviours provided in the classroom to identify whether there was any correspondence with educational behaviours. The investigation in this study concluded that the language classes of most of the public (state) schools and some semi-private schools included a curriculum based on translation and memorization teaching methods. In these schools, learners exhibited stress and inattention that disturbed their learning. In these classes learners were threatened by laughing or rough criticizing by the teachers. The observation results were analyzed to make comparisons between schools and inform the level of equality in different schools.
discrimination in education, language classes, parent, social class, financial status, curricular activities