Effects of Geographic Information System on the Learning of Environmental Education Concepts in Basic Computer-Mediated Classrooms in Nigeria

Authors: Ayobami Gideon Adeleke, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
Email: ag_leke@oauife.edu.ng
Published: December 4, 2017

Citation: Adeleke, A. G. (2017). Effects of Geographic Information System on the Learning of Environmental Education Concepts in Basic Computer-Mediated Classrooms in Nigeria. IAFOR Journal of Education, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.22492/ije.5.3.06


This research paper specifically examined the impact of Geographic Information System (GIS) integration in a learning method and on the performance and retention of Environmental Education (EE) concepts in basic social studies. Non-equivalent experimental research design was employed. 126 pupils in four intact, computer-mediated classrooms were sampled. Instruments included Envi-Geo Info System (EGIS) package and Environmental Information Achievement Test (EAT). The study found no significant effect of treatment on performances of participants in EGIS integrated treatment groups. No significant effect was found across the groups on pupils retention even though, treatment groups retention mean was higher than contemporaries. The study concluded that, adaptation of EGIS into sorted EE concepts will improve learning and might boost retention even in computer-mediated social studies classroom provided the use of GIS is made feasible in Nigeria and adopted into teaching-learning process. It recommended that stakeholders in Nigerian education system should foster workable strategies to improve teaching and learning and that, the use of GIS locally must be placed in the national education objectives. It is in the best interest of the people to learn the rudiments of personal safety, spatial development, incidental natural alerts, as well as preventions and solutions


computer-mediated classroom, geographic information system, environmental education, transversality