Editorial Board


Chief Editor

Dr Bernard Montoneri
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Bernard Montoneri earned his PhD (African, Arab, and Asian Words; History, Languages, Literature) and his BA in Chinese from the University of Provence, Aix-Marseille I, France. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. He was the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the IAFOR Journal of Education until 2017. Dr Montoneri edited and co-wrote several books, including Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism: Case Studies from Universities around the World with Lexington Books (2020); Science Fiction (Utopias, Dystopias, Time Travel) with Lexington Books (2022); Time Travel in World Literature and Cinema with Palgrave Macmillan (2024). He has also written many journal papers and conference articles, notably on French Literature and teaching/learning assessment.

Email: publications@iafor.org


Dr Michaela Keck
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany

Michaela Keck is a senior lecturer at the Institute of English and American Studies at Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg in Germany. She received her doctorate degree in American Studies at Goethe University in Frankfurt and has taught at universities in Taiwan, Holland, and Germany. Her research foci include nineteenth-century American literature and culture at the intersections between literature, visual culture, gender, the reception of myth, and the environment. Further research interests include captivity narratives and African-American literature and culture. She is the author of Walking in the Wilderness: The Peripatetic Tradition in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Painting (2006) and Deliberately Out of Bounds: Women’s Work Classical on Myth in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction (2017). Among her research articles, which have been published in various peer-reviewed European and international journals, are studies of North American women writers, ranging from Louisa May Alcott to Margaret Atwood (webpage).

E-mail: michaela.keck@gmail.com

Associate Editors

Dr Fernando Darío González Grueso
Tamkang University, Taipei

Dr Fernando Darío González Grueso obtained his PhD in 2011 at The Autonomous University of Madrid, with a specialization in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature. Since 2004, he has been working at Imperial College London, The University of Greenwich, LaTrobe University, The University of Melbourne, Providence University and Tamkang University, where he currently teaches. His research topics deal with the theory of literary genres, such as SF, Horror and Terror, and on the other hand, on Oral Epics, Contemporary Legends and Mythology. He has published four peer-reviewed books, four peer-reviewed chapters and more than twenty articles in Spanish and English listed in A&HCI, ERIH +, Latindex and THCI (Taiwanese Humanities and Social Science Journal Index). He is also the Co-Director of the series of academic monographs Estudios Hispánicos in Taiwan.

E-mail: 148630@o365.tku.edu.tw

Dr Murielle El Hajj Nahas
Lusail University, Qatar

Dr Murielle El Hajj Nahas holds a PhD in French Language and Literature, specializing in Psychoanalysis of Literature and Textoanalysis, from the Lebanese University, Lebanon. She is currently an Assistant Professor and Director of Lusail University Press (LU Press) at Lusail University, Qatar. She serves as an Associate Editor for the IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship and the the IAFOR Journal of Education (Language Learning in Education issues) with The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan. Additionally, she is an Editorial Board Member for In Analysis, transdisciplinary journal of psychoanalysis and science (Elsevier Masson SAS, France), a Senior Reviewer for the IAFOR Journal of Education (Technology in Education issues), and a Reviewer for the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) in the USA. Her research focuses on the psychoanalysis of literature, exploring perspectives on the unconscious within literary studies, the roles of various elements in analytical and critical praxis, and the intersection between literature and psychoanalysis. Her research interests include the analysis of written narrative structure and focalization, comparative studies of literary genres, discourse analysis and semantics, French linguistics and literature, modernism and postmodernism studies, gender studies, literary semiotics and semiology, psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic criticism and textoanalysis, rhetoric and stylistics, and schizoanalysis. She has published numerous works, including book chapters, original articles, academic interviews, translations, book reviews and analyses, and poems. She is also the author of a contemporary theater book titled Fragments chaotiques, published by Les impliqués Éditeur, France. (ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9445-6281)

E-mail: murielle.elhajj@hotmail.com

Editorial Board

Members of the Editorial Board provide input on editorial needs and review manuscripts. They may also offer feedback on past issues and discuss future directions for the journal.

The IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship is grateful for the valuable contributions of time and expertise generously donated by all Editorial Board members.

Dr Charles Campbell
Independent Academic, Toronto, Canada

Dr Charles Campbell (PhD, University of Toronto, 1976) has taught English and American literature, writing and film at universities in Canada, Libya, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Sultan Qaboos University (2000-16). His academic publications include essays on the work of Shakespeare, Johnson, Hawthorne, Stevenson and Forster, among others.  His work in cultural criticism includes an essay on British reporting on the death of Diana (The Journal of Arabic-English Studies) two Debordian essays on Donald Trump (The Dalhousie Review) and, most recently, “Simulation, Fetishism and World Domination: Using Baudrillard to Analyze American Discourse” (Critical Survey).

Email: campleosa@yahoo.com

Dr Yoriko Ishida
Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University, Japan

Yoriko Ishida is Professor at Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University. She completed her doctoral work at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences of Nara Women’s University. She obtained her PhD on African American literature and culture from the viewpoint of gender consciousness. Dr Ishida published her completed study called Modern and Postmodern Narratives of Race, Gender, and Identity: The Descendants of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings through Peter Lang Publishing, New York, USA. Besides, she translated Barbara Chase-Riboud’s Sally Hemings into Japanese and has also published several books written in Japanese on history, literature, and gender studies. Her main area of expertise is gender studies and the promotion of gender equality. Especially, she is currently researching gender representation in popular culture.

Email: y.ishida@mgu.ac.jp

Dr Jillian Marchant
James Cook University, Australia

Dr Jillian Marchant completed her doctorate of philosophy by undertaking research to examine experiences of tertiary education and communities for individuals. She is the published author of several articles that explore the complex interrelationships between adult learning and social outcomes for those engaged with tertiary education. As such, Jillian is committed to exploring the ways in which learning may be improved for those who undertake tertiary education courses as well as documenting the impact that such education has on the life course of individuals. Further, she is committed to investigating the aspects of tertiary education engagement that could promote a sense of community. Jillian is an invited ad hoc reviewer for Australian education conferences and journals as well as several international journals where she anticipates contributing to the quality of research outputs. Jillian was a member of the editorial board of the IAFOR Journal of Education until 2017.

Email: jillian.marchant@my.jcu.edu.au

Dr Iryna B. Morozova
Odesa Mechnikov National University, Ukraine

Dr Iryna Morozova is a full professor (Doctor of Philological Sciences, Grand PhD) at Odesa Mechnikov National University. She was the first in Ukraine to suggest applying the Gestalt approach to the theory of syntax by treating any linguistic phenomenon as a centred multidimensional formation which is reflected in its Gestalt properties, but is still richer than their sum total. This approach allowed penetrating into the essence of many linguistic phenomena and disclosing the inner mechanisms of their functioning in English.

Iryna Morozova has authored four monographs (including Structure and semantics of elementary communicative units in modern English: Paradigmatic analysis in the light of Gestalt theory, 2009) and five grammar books recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for university students majoring in English; altogether she has authored over 150 papers.

At present, Dr Morozova supervises her linguistic school’s multi-year project on syntactic profiling human speech by using Gestalt approach. She does research in the following spheres: literary semantics; sociolinguistics; psycholinguistics; cognitive, communicative, applied linguistics; general linguistics; theory and practice of translation; intercultural communication.

Email: morpo@ukr.net

Dr Akiyoshi Suzuki
Nagasaki University, Japan

Dr Akiyoshi Suzuki is a professor of American literature, world literature and East-West Studies at Nagasaki University, Japan. He has held positions such as English Test Design Commission of the National Center for University Entrance Examinations in Japan, guest professor at Suzhou University of Science & Technology in China, librasia 2014 conference chair & featured speaker and so forth, and now he is president of Katahira English Literature Society, the chief director of Japan Society of Text Study, the editorial board of the International Association for East-West Studies (U.S.A.), and others.

Dr Suzuki has introduced innovative and inventive readings of literature, such as 3-D topographic reading of Haruki Murakami’s fiction (IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship 2(1)), cross-cultural reading of doll-love novels in the world with relativization of Western episteme (Journal of East-West Thought 3(3)), resistance against identity-centrism reading of Henry Miller’s fictions (Delta 7), and so on. His current project is to examine the nature of literature and promote peace in the world by finding affinities of expression and imagination in world literature.

E-mail: suzu-a@nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Dr Anna Toom
Touro College & University System, USA

Dr Anna Toom is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the Graduate School of Education in Touro College & University System, USA. She earned her MS in computer science from Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (1972), her MS in psychology from Moscow State University (1978), and her PhD in psychology from Moscow State University of Management (1991). She has 44 years’ research experience and 40 publications.

The psychology of literature and film arts has always been a subject of special interest in Anna Toom’s research and teaching activities. She took part in many international conferences with her presentations on the psychological/psychoanalytic analysis of poetry (E. Dickinson), prose (A. Chekhov, H.Ch. Andersen, N. Nosov) and films (I. Bergman, St. Kramer). As an expert in integrative education, Dr Toom has been creating new instructional methods to teach psychology combining literature and film arts with information technology. In Anna Toom’s Virtual Psychological Laboratories, current and prospective schoolteachers study theories of child development in a dialogue with interactive computer programs and based on the best samples of the world children literature.

Email: annatoom@gmail.com


Reviewers evaluate articles in their specialist areas, and provide an opinion that is weighed against the opinion of one or more additional reviewers.

The IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship is grateful for the valuable contributions of time and expertise generously donated by all reviewers.

Dr Sara A. Abdoh
Benha University, Egypt

Dr Sara A. Abdoh is an Associate Professor and the head of Department of Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration, in the Faculty of Applied Arts, Benha University, Egypt. She has a Master’s degree and a PhD in the History of Art, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Egypt. She is a Coordinator of the Professional Diploma “Architectural Sculpture Restoration Program” and is a peer reviewer for scientific journals in Japan, US, UK, China, India and Greece. She’s a supervisor of a number of master’s theses.

Email: sara_arts85@hotmail.com

Oyewumi Olatoye Agunbiade
Walter Sisulu University, South Africa

Dr Oyewumi O. Agunbiade holds a PhD in English (Literature) from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. His research interests include Followership & disillusionment, Post-independence disillusionment, literature & the News media, African literature, and popular culture. His PhD thesis conceptualizes followership and Post-independence disillusionment with an exploration of selected plays of Femi Osofisan. He has over ten years experience as a journalist with Radio Nigeria. As a Postdoctoral fellow, he conducts research in African literature and teaches undergraduate courses at Walter Sisulu University’s Department of Arts (English). His current research conceptualizes Ponzi schemes as Shylocks  in Africa while his recent article is titled, “Literature and the News Media: A case for New Journalism in Nigeria”.

Email: oyebiade@gmail.com

Dr Panchali Bhattachary
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, India

Dr Panchali Bhattacharya is an Assistant Professor of English in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Technical Education and Research, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed-to-be-University), Odisha, India. She completed her PhD from the School of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management, IIT Bhubaneswar. Panchali Bhattacharya completed her BA and MA in English literature and her BEd degree from the University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India. She has published extensively in national and international journals and anthologies and has also presented her research findings in various international seminars and conferences. Dr Bhattacharya has also been working as reviewer for several international journals and publishing houses. Her research interests include ecocriticism, feminist studies, myth and folklore, indigenous Studies with a special emphasis on North East Indian English literature.

Email: panchalibhattacharya1990@gmail.com

Ms Tiasha Chakma
Islamic University, Bangladesh

Ms Tiasha Chakma is a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences at Nagasaki University, Japan, with MEXT scholarship. Her PhD research focuses on compiling the history of Japanese literature translations into Bangla and identifies its trends from various perspectives. In addition, her research interests include world literature, translation studies, and comparative literature. After completing her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, she joined the Department of Bangla atIslamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh, in 2013. She is an Assistant Professor in the same department and is currently on study leave. Her Master’s thesis was on the developments of Chakma language studies which discovered the history and trends of the Chakma language practices in Bangladesh. She has published her research outcomes in several national and
international seminars, conferences, and journals.

Email: tiashbangla@gmail.com

Dr Beena Giridharan
Curtin University, Malaysia

Professor Beena Giridharan is the Dean for Learning and Teaching at Curtin Malaysia, after completing a five year tenure ( 2016-2021) as Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor at Curtin University, Malaysia. In her role, she reports to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, and provides academic leadership to Curtin Malaysia, with a particular focus on academic operational efficiency. Her research and academic interests include: vocabulary acquisition in ESL, educational administration and leadership; higher education practices, transnational education (TNE), and ethno-linguistic studies in indigenous communities. As a member of an OLT (Office of Learning and Teaching, Australia) funded project entitled ‘Learning without Borders’ she has investigated leadership roles in Trans- National Education (TNE) and internationalization of the curriculum. Beena Giridharan is a Fellow of the Curtin Academy, at Curtin University. Beena Giridharan is also a fellow of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) since 2006. Beena Giridharan won the 2006 Carrick Australian Award for University Teaching, and the 2006 Curtin University, Australia, Excellence in Teaching and Innovation award, and was a visiting professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. She is a recognized global leader in higher education.

Email: beena@curtin.edu.my

Dr Miguel Ángel González Chandía
Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

Professor Miguel Ángel González Chandía has been teaching in the Spanish department at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, since 2005. He has a PhD from the University of Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium. He is notably conducting research on Bolaño and his work, especially on the following topics: “Roberto Bolaño and the apocalypse: savagery and carnival” (The Wild Detectives), “The reading of the work of Roberto Bolaño The Wild Detectives and Its Impact on Learning Spanish”. Dr González is also interested in the work of Jorge Edwards Valdés (a Chilean novelist, journalist and diplomat) and Marcela Paz (a Chilean female writer). He has published many journal papers and several books. His latest research is a chapter for a book entitled An apocalyptic vision of Roberto Bolaño in his novel: The Nocturne of Chile (2019).

Email: 064929@mail.fju.edu.tw

Ms Aswini Kesan R.
Sree Ayyappa College for Women, India

Ms. Aswini Kesan R is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Nagercoil affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. She holds a BA English Literature and completed her Master of Philosophy in English. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD in the area of Egyptian literature. Aswini has been teaching English literature students and Pre-Doctoral students since the year 2020 and her teaching interests are Research Methodology, Literary Criticism, British Poetry and Women Studies. She has mentored M. Phil students and three students have completed their thesis under her supervision. She has published a number of research papers in various journals and books. Her research interests are Cultural Studies, Queer Theory, Body Politics, Ecocriticism and Trauma Studies.

Email: aswinikesan97@gmail.com

Dr Irida Hoti
Shkodra University, Albania

Dr Irida Hoti holds a PhD in Albanian Language from Tirana University, Albania. She is currently a part-time lecturer at the Linguistics Department at Shkodra University. She has also been a lecturer at The Art Academy in Shkodra City from 2012-2015 and she was a member of Art Academy Senate during the years 2013-2015. She has been a member of Albanian Women in Science since 2017. She is an experienced Language Teacher, Lecturer and Researcher, specialized in Applied Linguistics, Academic Writing and Didactics. Irida Hoti has published over 30 articles in scientific journals and actively participated in many national and international conferences. She is author of a monograph on Applied Linguistics; co-author of A Vocabulary of Terms in Education, and co-author of 15 books in the field of education. Her biography is included in the Dictionary of International Biography, IBC, London (2017). In 2017, Irida received the “Teacher of the Year in Innovation” National Prize awarded by The Albanian Ministry of Education.

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3714-4764
Email: irida75hoti@gmail.com

Dr Rajani Jairam
Jain (deemed to be university), India

Dr Rajani Jairam, a rank holder throughout her academic career completed her doctoral degree on “Mahabharata – A Transcultural Study” from Bangalore University. She has 31 years’ experience in research and teaching and has been a recipient of various awards for her academic achievements. Having worked at various levels she is now the Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Sanskrit, Jain (deemed to be university), and also the Dean of Student Welfare.

Dr Jairam has published 91 journal articles on varied topics ranging from literature, philosophy, morality, spirituality, ethics and higher education in reputed and indexed journals. She has visited many universities like Cardiff, NUS, NTU and many more as an invited speaker. She has also completed 8 projects and has 2 books and 7 book chapters to her credit.

Email: rajanijairam@gmail.com

Dr Rania M Rafik Khalil
The British University in Egypt (BUE), Egypt

Dr Rania M Rafik Khalil is a lecturer in the Department of English Language and Literature and holds the post of Research and Postgraduate Studies Coordinator in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at The British University in Egypt (BUE). In October 2020 she was appointed as Acting Director of the Research Centre for Irish Studies (RCIS) at BUE. She obtained her MA and PhD in drama and theatre. Her publications are in the areas of English literature, drama and theatre, teaching and learning pedagogy, students with learning disabilities, assessment in higher education, and student support. Dr Khalil received the BUE Young Researchers Award in 2018; she has also received Grants from UNHCR, Culture Ireland, The British University in Egypt, and Embassy of Ireland in Egypt.

Email: rania.khalil@bue.edu.eg 

Dr R. Janatha Kumari
Sree Ayyappa College for Women, India

R. Janatha Kumari, is a poet, critic, a translator, a short story writer, a columnist and an Assistant Professor of English, Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai, India. Dr Janatha has presented more than 80 papers at various national and international seminars and conferences in India and abroad and has published 75 research articles in prestigious journals and books. She has completed a UGC minor project on South African Literature. She is also the founder, Chief Editor of The Daffodils – An International Journal of Literature, Language and Criticism. Her poems and short stories have been published in various anthologies in India and abroad; her first collection of poems is A Bundle of Joy. Her areas of interest include Indian Literature, African American Literature, Subaltern Literature, Film and Media Arts, and Queer Theory. She received the best Editor Award from ESN Publishers and the Best Researcher Award from the University of Malaya, Malaysia. She was awarded the most Influential Women Award 2021 by Writer’s Capital Foundation, Athens.
Email: drjanatha32@gmail.com

Dr Nishevita Jayendran
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India

Nishevita Jayendran is Assistant Professor (Language, Literature and Humanities) at the Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education (CETE), Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, where she teaches and consults on literature, language education, critical and cultural literacies, material and curriculum design, creative writing and discourse analysis. Her research and publications span the domains of world literature, representation and cultural studies, curriculum studies and critical peace education. Further details about her interests and ongoing projects can be found on her academic webpage: https://tiss.edu/view/9/employee/nishevita-jayendran/.

Email: nishevita.jayendran@tiss.ac.in

Dr Clarissa Miranda
Antonio Meneghetti College, Brazil

Dr Miranda is a Brazilian researcher and lecturer with experience, both academic and professional, in Screenwriting, Literature, Creative Writing, Journalism, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship. She holds a PhD in Literature from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, a Master in Communication from the same institution, a Bachelor degree in Journalism from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, and a MBA in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Nowadays, she is a lecturer at Antonio Meneghetti College (Antonio Meneghetti Faculdade) and an assistant at International Relations for Foundation Antonio Meneghetti, as well as a special reporter for magazine Performance Líder. She is a member of the Screenwriting Research Network.

Email: clari.mazon@gmail.com

Dr Reena Mittal
DAK Degree College, India

Dr Reena Mittal is an Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, DAK Degree College, Moradabad. Her areas of interest are Poetry and Drama. Her PhD is on Wordsworthian Sonnets. She wants to teach English to empower the women who can bring change to society. She has published many papers in reputed national and international journals. She has attended nearly 45 seminars and workshops, while presenting papers in almost all of them. She is a reviewer for many reputed National and International journals and conferences such as IAFOR, ICLMC, IJRAR, and many more. She has participated in the Summer School of English Teachers at Oxford University, Oxford, UK.

Email: mittal.reena23@gmail.com

Dr Issaga Ndiaye
Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal

Dr Issaga Ndiaye is Associate Professor in English literature. He holds a Doctorate Degree from Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal), where he currently teaches at the Department of English Studies. He defended a doctorate thesis on the rewritings of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. He also holds a Bachelor Degree in Linguistics and is a former teacher of the Department of Applied Foreign Languages in Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor (Senegal). His areas of interest include postmodern fiction and the Victorian novel. Dr Ndiaye is also interested in the history and evolution of the English novel and in the teaching of English as a foreign language.

E-mail: ndiayeissaga@gmail.com

Dr Tanutrushna Panigrahi
International Institute of Information Technology, India

Tanutrushna Panigrahi teaches in the International Institute of Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, India in the Department of Humanities. She is a doctoral Fulbright Fellowship grantee and studied the unpublished work of John Cheever in the special collection libraries in the USA. She has lectured in universities in India and abroad. Her research interests include Modern American Novel and Short Stories, Nineteenth Century Indian Novel, the Mahabharata Literature, India in World Literature, Communicative English and Life Writing. Some of her recently published works include: “Realism, Mimesis and Beyond: Early Novels in India”, “Resolving Dichotomies: Cheever’s Expelled as Debut”, “Globalism, World Literature and the Internet” , “Travels of Dean Mahomet and Global South”, “Thoreau’s Opposing Ecology: Walden for the Anthropocene”, “Politics of the Form: Nineteenth Century Indian Novel”, “Transnational as the Initiation: The Tales of the Green-Eyed Thieves of Imraan Coovadia”, “Sulabha’s Nine Verbal Faults and Nine Faults of Judgment: Recovery of Truthful Communication from the Text of The Mahabharata and a book Communicative English for undergraduate students. She has received a Distinguished Woman Award.

Email: tanutrushnapanigrahi@gmail.com

Ms Andrea Peruničić
University of Montenegro, Montenegro

Andrea Peruničić holds the position of Teaching Associate at the Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro, specializing in the Department of French Language. In the context of Francophonie 2022, Andrea assumes the role of organizer for a conference tailored to students, under the auspicious theme “Translation: secrets and limits”, reflecting her dedication to fostering scholarly discourse. Furthermore, Andrea Peruničić serves as a distinguished member of the editorial boards for multiple esteemed academic journals, including the European Journal of Literature, Language, and Linguistics Studies, European Journal of Literary Studies, European Journal of Applied Linguistics, and European Journal of Multilingualism and Translation Studies.

Email: andrea.p@ucg.ac.me / andreaperunicic7@gmail.com

Ms Yevheniia Prasol
Nagasaki University, Japan

Ms Yevheniia Prasol is currently a coaching fellow at Nagasaki University, Japan. Having obtained her MA from the same university, she continues her research in the field of Japanese Literature and Comparative Studies. She finished her bachelor’s at Dnipro National University, Ukraine, where she studied Japanese studies.
Email: prasol.yevheniia@nagasaki-u.ac.jp

Ms Mallika Tosha
Delhi Technological University, India

Mallika Tosha is currently pursuing her PhD from Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India. Her research areas include folk literature and literary theory, especially ecocriticism. Presently, she has been working on folklores of Bihar, an eastern state of India. Ms. Tosha has a keen interest in writing poetry and fiction. Due to this passion, she chose Hindi haiku as her research area during masters. She has published her research in various international journals. She is a classical dancer of Bharatnatyam, and aspires to research on the theory of this dance in future.

Email: mallikanatyam@gmail.com

Dr Shalini Yadav
Compucom Institute of Information Technology and Management, India

Dr Shalini Yadav holds a PhD in Post-colonial Literature and an MPhil in ELT from University of Rajasthan, India. She has 15 years teaching experience in India, Libya and Saudi Arabia. She has participated in and presented papers in many conferences. She has edited and authored books including On the Wings of Life: Women Writing Womanhood, Postcolonial Transition and Cultural Dialectics, Communication Techniques and A Text Book of English for Engineers. Besides, she has written poetry books in English titled Floating Haiku, Kinship With You: A Collection of Poems, Till the End of Her Subsistence: An Anthology of Poems, and one in Hindi entitled Kshitiz Ke Us Paar. Her short stories and poems have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals and anthologies. She has meticulously written and also reviewed a significant number of scholarly research articles for various International refereed journals and edited volumes. She is an executive member of iSPELL India and also an efficacious member of the editorial boards of various qualitative International journals which are published from Canada, South Africa, USA, and Australia.

Email: shalini.yadav067@gmail.com