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Dr Shahrokh (Sharo) Shafaie
Southeast Missouri State University, USA
Dr Sharo Shafaie is a professor of Child Development at the Southeast Missouri State University, in the College of Health & Human Services. He has a doctoral degree in Psychology, a master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Oklahoma, and holds a BS degree in Guidance & Counseling. He has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in several areas including Education, Psychology, Human Development, Human Services, and Child Development, Family Studies programs.
Dr Shafaie has received and managed substantial number of grants to fund research projects as well as several educational and clinical outreach projects to offer intervention services for teachers and families of young children with special needs and developmental delays in the Southeast Missouri region. Currently, he serves as the Administrative Coordinator of the Child Development Associate Certificate (CDA) and Workshop On Wheels training (WOW) programs. The program covers 23 counties at the Southeast Missouri region and is designed to offer educational technical assistance and professional development training to early childhood educators to improve quality of the curriculum in their classrooms.
Moreover, Dr Shafaie is a licensed board certified psychotherapist and serves as a mental health consultant to parents, teachers, and mental health agencies. His primary research interests have been in the area of early social interaction, parenting issues and topics related to cognitive and psychosocial development of children, and he has presented his research findings in many national and international conferences. Dr Shafaie’s recent research interests are in the areas fatherhood, “at-risk” children and families, and contributions of parent-child relationship in the child’s development, mental health, and educational achievements. He has been a referee for numerous national and international conferences and as has served on the editorial board of several professional journals.
Dr Deborah G. Wooldridge
Director and Professor, School of Family and Consumer Sciences, Bowling Green State University, USA
Deborah Wooldridge is a Professor and School Director at Bowling Green State University with her area of practice in human development and family studies. Prior to coming to Ohio, she served as the Founding Dean of the College of Family Sciences at Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates. Deborah was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the University of Bahrain and has done consulting with Ministries of Education and Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs in Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.
She has a PhD from Texas Woman’s University and a BS and MS from the University of Oklahoma. During her career in higher education she has published, secured international, federal and state funding for research and community partnership projects. She has been a referee for numerous national and international conferences and as has served on the editorial board of several professional journals in the fields of Education and Social Sciences. Her interdisciplinary research interests include cultural and social issues of the family, early childhood development and creativity, and fatherhood.
Dr Laura Landry Meyer
Director and Professor, School of Applied Human Development, Bowling Green State University, USA
Laura Landry-Meyer is a Professor in Human Development and Family Science and Assistant Director of Undergraduate Education for the School of Applied Human Development at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Her PhD in family science and gerontology was earned at The Ohio State University with undergraduate and master’s degrees at Ohio University in family studies, business, and education.
Prior to higher education, Laura focused on community outreach and education in various positions with a Certified Family Life Educator designation for 20+ years. Her career path includes positions in research, policy, and practice while securing funding from public and private sources. She has published student supplements, journal articles, and other evidence-based practice materials in addition to being a referee for various journals. Her research is guided by the scholarship of teaching and learning, specifically systematic inquiry of student learning and the acquisition and application of cultural cognizance using themes of listening and intercultural experiences.