IAFOR Journal of Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences: Volume 2 – Issue 2
Editor: Dr Sharo Shafaie & Dr Deborah G. Wooldridge
Published: August 2016
ISSN: 2187-0675
Expectancies for Social Support and Negative Mood Regulation Mediate the Relationship between Childhood Maltreatment and Self-Injury
Fiona Tresno, Nagoya University, Japan
Jack Mearns, California State University, Fullerton, United States of America
Characterizing Parents’ and School Staff’s Involvement with Student Attendance from the Perspective of School Staff in Japan
Norimasa Itakura & Megumi Kato, Gifu University, Japan
Vocational Services and Outcomes of Psychiatric Clients from a Midwestern State
Bryan O. Gere, Alabama A&M University, United States of America
Carl R. Flowers, Rehabilitation Institute, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, United States of America
Gender Differences in Identity Features and Self-Determination Process
Natalia V. Antonova & Natalia L. Ivanova, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Examining Migrants’ Notions of “Home,” “Nation,” “Identity,” and “Belonging”
Analiza Liezl Perez-Amurao, Mahidol University International College, Thailand