Tag: innovation

Announcing The Global Innovation Value Summit (GIVS2022)
As climate change affects people around the world, concepts like the UN’s SDGs and ESG frameworks have been pushed to the forefront of global discussion. Join IAFOR on November 18, 2022, as we host The Global Innovation Value Summit (GIVS2022), a symposium on the future of ESG and Value in collaboration with the IAFOR Research …

Welcome to Volume 6 Issue 2 of the IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies
Dear Readers, As humanity is approaching its third year under COVID-19, the virus’s grim day-to-day toll is becoming increasingly clear. By the end of 2021, over 5 million people will have died from the disease and many are continuing to die on a daily basis. The world has not even yet begun to count the …

Innovation in Cultural Heritage Preservation in Taiwan: Lessons for Indonesia
Authors: Riela Provi Drianda, Waseda University, Japan Laila Zohrah, Singaperbangsa University, Indonesia Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Email: reetea.bdg@gmail.com Published: January 26, 2022 https://doi.org/10.22492/ijcs.6.2.04 Citation: Drianda, R. P., Zohrah, L., & Aritenang, A. F. (2022). Innovation in Cultural Heritage Preservation in Taiwan: Lessons for Indonesia. IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.22492/ijcs.6.2.04 Abstract …

IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies: Volume 6 – Issue 2
IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies: Volume 6 – Issue 2 Editor-in-Chief: Holger Briel, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), China Executive Editor: Joseph Haldane, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan Published: January 26, 2022 ISSN: 2187-4905 https://doi.org/10.22492/ijcs.6.2 Editor’s Introduction Welcome to this issue of the IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies Holger …

An Improvement to Disruption Theory from a Macro Perspective: Evidence from the Personal and Mobile Computing Industries
Authors: Juan Sebastian Montoya Doshisha University Graduate School of Policy and Management, Japan Toshiro Kita Doshisha University Graduate School of Business, Japan Email: mailto:marfil.blue@gmail.com Published: March 08, 2018 https://doi.org/10.22492/ijss.3.1.05 Citation: Montoya, J. S., & Kita, T. (2018). An Improvement to Disruption Theory from a Macro Perspective: Evidence from the Personal and Mobile Computing Industries. IAFOR …