Tag: Russia

The Ukraine Conflict: Challenges and Opportunities for Post-1945 East Asia
In response to the emerging crisis in Europe, IAFOR will be hosting a free online panel titled “The Ukraine Conflict: Challenges and Opportunities for Post-1945 East Asia” in collaboration with The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC), at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, and the Korea Foundation. This event is organised as …

IAFOR President to Visit Lomonosov Moscow State University as Invited Lecturer
Dr Joseph Haldane, IAFOR President and CEO, is to speak as Invited Lecturer for the Faculty of Journalism’s MA course, “Current Issues of Mass Media” at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia on Friday, May 20, 2016. Dr Haldane will draw upon his academic interest in politics, history and international affairs, his experience as a resident of …

Moscow State University Joins the IAFOR Global Partnership Programme
We are very proud to announce that Moscow State University, through its Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies has joined the IAFOR Global Partnership Programme. The affiliation was signed by President Svetlana Ter Minasova, who has sat on the Executive Council of IAFOR since 2013. Dr Joseph Haldane, President of IAFOR said, “We are …