Tag: sustainability

Welcome to Volume 12 – Issue 1 – IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship
It is our great pleasure and my personal honour as the editor-in-chief to introduce Volume 12 Issue 1 of the IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship. This issue is a selection of papers received through open submissions on the theme of “World Fairy Tales and Folklore”. This is the seventh issue of the journal I …

Understanding Eco-Sustainability through Lotha Naga Folktales: Analyzing Jasmine Patton’s A Girl Swallowed by a Tree
Author: Panchali Bhattacharya, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), India Email: panchalibhattacharya1990@gmail.com Published: June 7, 2023 https://doi.org/10.22492/ijl.12.1.02 Citation: Bhattacharya, P. (2023). Understanding Eco-Sustainability through Lotha Naga Folktales: Analyzing Jasmine Patton’s A Girl Swallowed by a Tree. IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.22492/ijl.12.1.02 Abstract The Lotha Nagas are one of the major Indigenous …

Announcing The Global Innovation Value Summit (GIVS2022)
As climate change affects people around the world, concepts like the UN’s SDGs and ESG frameworks have been pushed to the forefront of global discussion. Join IAFOR on November 18, 2022, as we host The Global Innovation Value Summit (GIVS2022), a symposium on the future of ESG and Value in collaboration with the IAFOR Research …

White Paper Launch: A Value Model for Responsible Business
On Friday, March 25, 2022, Professor Philip Sugai, the Director of the newly launched Value Research Center at Doshisha University, and Senior Research Fellow in the IAFOR Research Centre (IRC) was interviewed by Dr Joseph Haldane, Founder, Chairman & CEO of IAFOR, and Administrative Director of the IAFOR Research Centre (IRC). Professor Sugai and Dr …

IRC Webinar: A Value Model for Responsible Business
On Friday, March 25, 2022, Dr Joseph Haldane, Founder, Chairman & CEO of IAFOR and Administrative Director of the IAFOR Research Centre (IRC) will discuss the launch of the new Value Research Centre at Doshisha University with Professor Philip Sugai, the Director of the Value Research Centre, and Senior Research Fellow in the IRC. This …

IAFOR Journal of Sustainability, Energy & the Environment
This journal is on indefinite hiatus. ISSN: 2187-0632 Contact: publications@iafor.org The IAFOR Journal of Sustainability, Energy & the Environment is an internationally reviewed and editorially independent interdisciplinary journal associated with IAFOR’s international conferences on sustainability, energy and the environment. Like all IAFOR publications, it is freely available to read online, and is free of publication …

Climate Change and Nature’s Social Union
IAFOR Chairman, the late Professor Stuart D. B. Picken discusses the dilemma modern societies face in regards to climate change with the Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, Sir Kenneth Calman.

Power: The Impact of Energy Generation on Health and the Environment
Sir Kenneth Calman, Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, discusses the nature of the relationship between the means by which power, in the sense of energy, is generated and the implications for health and the environment.

Energy Means the World for the United States
Professor Johannes Moenius outlines risks and opportunities and discusses by how much we can insure ourselves against energy-related risks.

Creating Abundant Enterprises
Professor Jay Friedlander of the College of the Atlantic talks with IAFOR Executive Director, Dr Joseph Haldane about the importance of abundance and sustainability in business.