IAFOR has entered into a number of strategic partnerships with universities across the world to form the IAFOR Global Partnership Programme. These academic partnerships support and nurture IAFOR’s goals of educational cooperation without borders, connecting the organisation with institutions that have an international and internationalising profile, and a commitment to interdisciplinary research.
The IAFOR Global Partnership Programme provides mutual recognition and scope for Global Partner institutions and organisations to showcase their research strengths, as well as engage in the development of projects and programmes with IAFOR. Each of IAFOR’s institutional partners provides a nominee to the International Academic College (IAC).
Partnering with some of the world’s leading universities and academic associations provides strong recognition for IAFOR and our work, and emphasises our commitment to academic quality and rigour.
IAFOR’s academic partnerships may be at the institutional, event or project level, and are either institution-wide or with a particular school or faculty.
Institutional Partners
University of Utah, South Korea
Kobe University, Japan
Waseda University, Japan
The University of Hong Kong (School of Humanities), Hong Kong
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Sunway University, Malaysia
Tarumanagara University, Indonesia
Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore
Zhengzhou University, China
Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE), Japan
National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Charles Darwin University, Australia
The Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (CSAA), Australia
Times Higher Education
European Center for Peace and Development
University of Porto, Portugal
Birkbeck, University of London, UK
University of Sussex, UK
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Centre Norbert Elias, France
The National Association of Teachers of English, Russia
The National Association of Applied Linguistics, Russia
Future Talent Council
Northwestern University, United States
Lehigh University, United States
Virginia Tech, United States
Michigan State University, United States
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, United States