Category: Special Events

IAFOR Global Innovation and Value Summit 2023 (GIVS2023)
Moving Forward with ESG: Scoring for Value Creation ESGとともに前進:価値創造に向けたスコアリング *日本語は英語の後* IAFOR is excited to announce the IAFOR Global Innovation and Value Summit 2023 (GIVS2023), in collaboration with ESG-Integration Research and Education Center (ESG-IREC), OSIPP at Osaka University and the Value Research Center (VRC) at Doshisha University. 共催: 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科ESG-インテグレーション研究教育センター: 同志社大学価値研究センター Date: Friday 17 November 2023, 10:00-17:30 …

SMU-IRC Lecture | Women and Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities
On June 29, IAFOR will be hosting a free online lecture titled “Women and Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities” in collaboration with The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC) at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, and Singapore Management University (SMU). This event is organised as part of SMU’s “Thought Leadership Series”, organised by …

IRC Webinar: A Value Model for Responsible Business
On Friday, March 25, 2022, Dr Joseph Haldane, Founder, Chairman & CEO of IAFOR and Administrative Director of the IAFOR Research Centre (IRC) will discuss the launch of the new Value Research Centre at Doshisha University with Professor Philip Sugai, the Director of the Value Research Centre, and Senior Research Fellow in the IRC. This …

The Ukraine Conflict: Challenges and Opportunities for Post-1945 East Asia
In response to the emerging crisis in Europe, IAFOR will be hosting a free online panel titled “The Ukraine Conflict: Challenges and Opportunities for Post-1945 East Asia” in collaboration with The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC), at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, and the Korea Foundation. This event is organised as …

ASEAN Career Fair with Japan 2022 – Pre-event Symposium
IAFOR is excited to announce a Pre-event Symposium at the 10th ASEAN Career Fair with Japan, in collaboration with Singapore Management University (SMU), The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC), and the ESG-Integration Research and Education Centre (ESG-IREC) at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University. Friday, February 11, 2022 17:30-20:30 (JST) Online As …

KISA 13th Convention and APISA 15th Congress: Report
Operationalizing an East Asian Community of Peace and Development: Challenges and Opportunities Report by Haruko Satoh, Co-Director of the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, Japan. The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC) at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) took part as co-organisers in a successful …

IAFOR Research Centre to Co-host the KISA 13th Annual Convention & APISA 15th Congress
Operationalizing an East Asian Community of Peace and Development: Challenges and Opportunities On November 27-28, the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University will be part of the joint online KISA 13th Annual Convention and APISA 15th Annual Congress in collaboration with main host, The Graduate School of …

“Post-Afghanistan America: Implications for Peace & Security in Asia” – An IAFOR Research Centre Roundtable
Thursday, October 7, 2021 16:00-17:30 (JST) Online The dust from the shock of US withdrawal from Afghanistan has yet to settle but its ramifications are far-reaching. In Asia, the main theatre of US-China rivalry, questions about America’s role and mode of engagement in the region abound in the wake of Afghanistan. President Biden signaled the …

IAFOR Partners with RECSIE on the Summer Institute on International Education, Japan (SIIEJ2021)
The 4th Summer Institute on International Education, Japan (SIIEJ2021) is an online event organised by the Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education (RECSIE), in association with the Institute for Innovative Global Education at Kansai University and Toyo University, and supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), The …

Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Nakanishi Satoshi receives IAFOR Report on Infectious Disease Outbreak on Cruise Ships
On March 29, 2021, Mr Satoshi Nakanishi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, met with members of the experts committee of the IAFOR research project on preventing and responding to the outbreak and the spread of infectious diseases on cruise ships, and officially received the final report at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs …

Co-Director of the IAFOR Research Centre to Speak at the Times Higher Education (THE) Asia Universities Summit 2021
Professor Haruko Satoh, Co-Director of the IAFOR Research Centre will speak at the Times Higher Education Asia Universities Summit 2021 on a panel titled: Can an international outlook in higher education help to reduce geopolitical tensions? What are the limits to closer global ties? In a session moderated by Joyce Lau, Editor (Asia) of the …

The IAFOR Symposium on Preventing and Overcoming Infectious Disease Outbreaks on Cruise Ships: International Challenges & Responses: Report
Introduction The IAFOR Symposium on Preventing and Overcoming Infectious Disease Outbreaks on Cruise Ships: International Challenges & Responses was an event organised by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) with the support of the Government of Japan through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on March 10-11, 2021. It was a hybrid (onsite and online) event …

Infectious Diseases on Cruise Ships Symposium: Major International Study to Report on Lessons from the Diamond Princess and Other Cruise Ships
The IAFOR Symposium on Preventing and Overcoming Infectious Disease Outbreaks on Cruise Ships: International Challenges and Responses is an event organised by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) with the support of the Government of Japan through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on March 10-11, 2021 at the Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan. This symposium …

IAFOR Collaborates with the University of Tokyo’s Israel Week Event Series
Israel Week @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus IAFOR is happy to be working with the University of Tokyo on a series of online seminars and lectures on the recent trends and developments in Israel and its impact on Japan-Israel relations as a part of Israel Week @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus. The events in this framework will …

ASEAN Career Fair with Japan 2021 – Pre-event Symposium Report and Video
IAFOR hosted an online Pre-event Symposium at the 9th ASEAN Career Fair with Japan, in collaboration with Singapore Management University (SMU), the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, and Energize, Inc. Video Chapters Welcome Address – Dr Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO, IAFOR (00:00) Opening Remarks – Henry …

ASEAN Career Fair with Japan 2021 – Pre-event Symposium
IAFOR is excited to announce a Pre-event Symposium at the 9th ASEAN Career Fair with Japan, in collaboration with Singapore Management University, The IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, and Energize, Inc. As with each year, this symposium aims at providing information to ASEAN university career officers and …

Special Panel Presentation: Post-COVID World and Human Security at OCE2020
IAFOR is excited to announce a IAFOR Research Centre supported special panel discussion titled, “Post-COVID World and Human Security”. As the year of the COVID-19 pandemic comes to a close, the global community’s strengths and challenges have become apparent. The good news is that vaccines will become available soon, the development of which took place …

Summary of the Special Panel “The Other: Automation, Innovation and the Future of Work in Asia”
On 4 September, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), under the Socio-economic Governance Program Asia (SOPAS), hosted a special panel during the 2020 AAS-in-Asia Conference. Entitled, “The Other: Automation, Innovation and the Future of Work in Asia”, the panel aimed to address salient issues and debates about the impact of automation and technological innovation on employment …

Summary of the Special Roundtable on South Korea-Japan Relations
As part of the OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre’s (IRC) collaborative project on Korea and Japan in the Evolving China-US Relations, the Korea Foundation sponsored a Special Roundtable during the AAS-in-Asia 2020 Conference. Entitled “Japan and Korea in the US-China Relations: A Reappraisal of the Post-War Order”, the panel featured scholars from East Asian institutions, Haruko Satoh …

Coming Together Around A Campfire of Values
Christine R. Yano, AAS President, Professor of Anthropology, University of Hawaii, USA (09/03/20) The 2020 meeting of AAS-in-Asia wrapped up in splendid fashion with a splashy media presentation and warm farewells. Many thanks to Joe Haldane and the IAFOR staff for stepping in and making the meeting possible with their can-do attitude and energy. Over …

The Korea Foundation Sponsor COVID-19 Discussion Panel at ACAS/ACCS2020
IAFOR is delighted to announce a Korea Foundation sponsored ACCS/ACAS2020 panel discussion titled, “The COVID-19 pandemic and the crisis of global politics: A view from Asia”. The COVID-19 pandemic is now not only a global health crisis but much more. It has unleashed a cultural war in global politics, shaken the foundation of the healthy …

Announcing Konrad Adenauer Foundation co-organized “Design and Democracy” Panel at ACAS/ACCS2020
IAFOR is excited to announce an upcoming collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Japan (KAS) Social Economic Governance Programme Asia (SOPAS) who have co-organized a Plenary Panel Discussion titled “Design and Democracy” at The 10th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2020) and The 10th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2020). Panellists include Bruce Brown of …

ASEAN Career Fair with Japan 2020: International Symposium Report
The ASEAN Career Fair with Japan 2020 Symposium was co-organised by OSIPP, Osaka University’s IAFOR Research Centre and the Singapore Management University (SMU) in association with the SEACE2020. With the Career Fair in its 8th year since Osaka University jointly founded the event in 2013 as part of the Japanese Ministry of Education’s “Reinventing Japan” …

IAFOR Partners with the Association for Asian Studies for “AAS-in-Asia 2020”
“Asia at the Crossroads: Solidarity through Scholarship” August 31 – September 02, 2020 | The Kobe International Convention Center, Kobe, Japan Late last year, in the context of political unrest and mass protests in Hong Kong, the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) decided, in consultation with partners at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), …

Kansai Resilience Forum Report
Introduction On February 22, 2019, the Government of Japan, in collaboration with The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), held the Kansai Resilience Forum 2019, which became a major international and interdisciplinary platform for extensive discussion on resilience and its role in society, the globalising economy and disaster risk reduction. The Kansai Resilience Forum took place at …

Kansai Resilience Forum 2019 – Video Highlights
The Kansai Resilience Forum 2019 was an event organised by the Government of Japan in collaboration with The International Academic Forum (IAFOR). It was packed with great interdisciplinary discussion and cross-sectoral insights, and included a special keynote address by world-renowned architect, Tadao Ando, who designed the event venue, the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, following …