IAFOR Global Innovation and Value Summit 2023 (GIVS2023)

Moving Forward with ESG: Scoring for Value Creation


IAFOR is excited to announce the IAFOR Global Innovation and Value Summit 2023 (GIVS2023), in collaboration with ESG-Integration Research and Education Center (ESG-IREC), OSIPP at Osaka University and the Value Research Center (VRC) at Doshisha University.

共催: 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科ESG-インテグレーション研究教育センター:

Date: Friday 17 November 2023, 10:00-17:30
Venue: Saji Memorial Hall, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, Osaka, Japan

開催日時: 2023 年 11 月 17 日(金)10:00-17:30
会場: 大阪大学中之島センター 佐治敬三メモリアル·ホール
使用言語: 英語(日本語同時通訳あり)

To participate in this symposium (onsite or online), please sign up below.

In 2023, the European Union’s European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), the International Financial Reporting Standard’s (IFRS’s) International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) each published new guidance for how companies within their jurisdictions account for and report upon their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Impacts. While Japan stands as the world’s 4th largest economy, many Japanese companies continue to lag behind their global counterparts with their ESG efforts, as Japan itself has not yet committed to requiring companies to report their impacts beyond the environmentally focused Task Force for Climate Disclosure (TCFD).

This year’s Global Innovation and Value Summit (GIVS) 2023 will first introduce the latest advances in value measurement, sustainability disclosure reporting and ESG from the perspective of EFRAG, ISSB and the US SEC Climate Disclosures, and their impacts on how businesses and governments can effectively operate within these increasingly important, but complex, sustainability standards and frameworks. GIVS 2023 will then place these latest international advancements into the context of Japan’s historical embrace of a more socially conscious approach to business as well as the Japanese government's recent efforts related to its New Capitalism Task Force. Finally, GIVS 2023 will offer ideas and insights into how businesses not only within Japan and Asia, but also globally can integrate, enhance and implement value-focused sustainability initiatives going forward.

This event is designed to more deeply explore how all of these ideas can help guide the next evolutionary step beyond the SDGs that were raised by The Value Research Center and ESG-IREC at the United Nations General Assembly Science Summit (SSUNGA78) in September 2023.

It will bring together some of the world’s top experts in value measurement and scoring, sustainability and ESG issues to discuss, debate and brainstorm new approaches to value creation, responsible business and sustainability initiatives and offer ideas and models for their implementation in 2024 and beyond.

来たる 11 月 17 日に大阪大学中之島センターにおいて、大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 ESG-イ ンテグレーション研究教育センターと同志社大学価値研究センター共催(International Academic Forum協力)で、第3回 Global Innovation and Value Summit (GIVS)を開催します。第一回サミット は2018 年に東京丸の内で開催、2022年はコロナ禍のためオンラインで開催したしたが、今回は関西 開催の運びとなりました。

前回のテーマに引き続き ESG に関する諸課題について、ESG スコアリングや会社の価値評価、サス テナビリティについて、海外の第一線で活躍する専門家を招いて、日本企業の ESG の取組みも含め た現状とSDGが区切りを迎える2030年以降を見据えた今後の課題について、3つの観点から掘り下げ て議論します。

(1)複雑さを増すサステナビリティ評価基準やフレームワークのなかで、官民が如何に効率的に連携 していけるか。 (2)伝統的に社会全体の利益を意識した「商売」哲学・文化を大切にしてきた日本企業の流儀や、昨 今動き始めた政府の「新資本主義タスクフォース」などの日本発の取組みが、欧米主導かつ金融市場 偏重 になりガちな ESG の世界的な動向のなかデ、新たな「第3の道」を提示しうるか。 (3)「価値」の創造を中心としたサステナビリティのイニシアティブを推進するためには、どのよう な問題を解決しなけれはならないか。


2023 年に欧州財務報告諮問グループ(EFRAG)、国際サステナビリティ基準審議会(ISSB)や米 国証券 取引委員会などが相次いで ESG インパクト報告についての新しいガイドラインを発表していますが 、日本企業の ESG への取り組みはEUや米国企業に比べて出遅れていると言わざるを得ません。その要因は様々ありますが、現状において日本では気候変動に重点を置く機構関連財務開示タスク フォース(TCFD)に賛同する企業はあるものの、それ以上の ESG 関連の情報開示にはまだ積極的とは 言えません。また、国内各地では SDG のロゴは定着しつつあるものの、乱立する欧米基準のESGス コアリングや評価システムへの対応に戸惑いがみられることも否めません。そもそも企業情報を開示 するメリットをどこに見出すかは日本、海外を問わず、ESGの大きな課題と言えます。

11 月には、かかる問題意識を念頭に、EFRAG や ISSB などの見地から価値評価やサステナビリティ 情報開示に関する最新の動向や方向性の相違などに関する専門的な議論を踏まえ、日本からの発信も 含む官民学のそれぞれの立場からの活発な議論が期待されます。皆様のご参加を心待ちにしておりま す。


Program (tentative)

All times are in Japan time (UTC+9)

10:00-10:45 Opening Remarks

Jun Arima, President, The International Academic Forum; Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo

Toshiya Hoshino, Founding Director, ESG-Integration Research and Education Center, Osaka School of International Public Policy; Former President, The International Academic Forum

Victoria Hurth (Video), Fellow, Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership

Session 1

10:45-12:00: EFRAG and ISSB Standards and Measurements: Different Strokes?

Charles (Mario) Abela, Strategic Advisor, Value Balancing Alliance; Director, Redefining Value, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Jun Arima, President, International Academic Forum; Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo

Chizu Nakajima, Chair, The British Japanese Law Association, London; former Director, Centre for Financial Regulation, City, University of London

Philip Sugai, Director, Value Research Center, Doshisha University

Jewellord Nem Singh, Global Fellow, The Wilson Center, Environmental Change and Security Program; Assistant Professor in International Development, International Institute of Social Studies

Session 2

13:00-13:20: Afternoon Session Keynote 1

Aligning Values and Purpose with Steward Leadership
Flocy Joseph, Senior Deputy Director, Head of Commercial, Executive Development, Singapore Management University

13:20-14:00: Part 1 | A New “Third Way”?: An Alternative Scoring Model and Business Philosophy from Kansai

Overview of the Value Model
Philip Sugai, Director, Value Research Center, Doshisha University

The Philosophy of Seiryoku Zenyo, Jita Kyoei, the Underlying Philosophy Guiding the Value Model
Yoshie Sugai, Founder, Chiseikan Dojo, Kyoto, Japan

The Value Model Quality Assurance Process 2023
Dhiyan Arini, Researcher, Value Research Center, Doshisha University

The Value Model as a Sustainability Reporting “Health Check”
Max Wong, PhD Candidate, Multimedia University of Malaysia

14:00-14:20: Part 2 | The Value Model, ESG and AI

Value Model/Impact Weighted Accounts Team
David Freiberg, EY Japan
Diana Darbekova, Doshisha Business School, Kyoto Japan

14:20-14:45: Coffee Break

14:45-15:30: The Value Model, ESG and AI Team

14:45-15:05: Applying the Value Model to AI/ESG-Scoring
Katsuhiko Kokubu, Dean, Kobe Business School, Founder Kobe Value School 國部克彦 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科研究科長
Yuriko Nakao, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Informatics, Kansai University 中尾悠利子 関西大学総合情報学研究科准教授

15:05-15:25: Value Model/Intellectual Capital Measurement Team
Ludo Pyis, Founder and Chief Innovation Architect, AREOPA Group
Roger Cabezas, Knowledge Manager @ CERCA (Centres de Recerca de Catalunya)

15:30-16:00: Afternoon Session Keynote 2

Purpose and Value
Victoria Hurth, Fellow, Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership

16:00-16:15: Short Break

16:15-17:15: Roundtable Discussion

Going Forward: Inter-regional Cooperation Across Public Policy and Private Sectors
Philip Sugai, Director, Value Research Center, Doshisha University
Charles (Mario) Abela, Strategic Advisor, Value Balancing Alliance; Director, Redefining Value, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Victoria Hurth, Fellow, Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership
Flocy Joseph, Senior Deputy Director, Head of Commercial, Executive Development, Singapore Management University
Jewellord Nem Singh, Global Fellow, The Wilson Center, Environmental Change and Security Program; Assistant Professor in International Development, International Institute of Social Studies

Moderator: Haruko Satoh

17:15-17:30: Closing Remarks

Paul Beddie, Advisory Board Chairman, Value Research Center
Toshiya Hoshino, Founding Director, ESG-Integration Research and Education Center, Osaka School of International Public Policy; Former President, The International Academic Forum

Important Notes

Simultaneous interpretation between English/Japanese will be available
Funding support provided by: Doshisha University Graduate School of Business, Kifu Project (SCREEN HOLDINGS), Doshisha University SDGs Grant, ESG-IREC and Osaka University

To participate in this symposium (onsite or online), please sign up below.