"Urban Heritage and the Modern City" was the theme of The IAFOR Conference on Heritage & the City (HCNY), held in partnership with Hofstra University, New York. Academics from more than 25 countries attended the conference to "help build the concept of ‘urban heritage’ as the foundation for developing pioneering methodologies for the study of cities".
Above from left to right: Academic, actress and theatre director, Professor Jean Dobie Giebel (Hofstra University) welcomes delegates; Professor Mark Lukasiewicz, Dean of the School of Communication at Hofstra University, delivers a Keynote Presentation on “Alternative Facts”; Professor Gregory Pell (Hofstra University), an expert on artistic correspondence between cinema and film, speaks as part of the Featured Panel on "Urban Heritage and the Modern City". Panelists responded to the proposition that the “diversity and otherness of the new city-space requires us to study the city as a sort of cultural heritage collage”, and “urges us to consider new methodological paradigms”.
Above, clockwise from top left: On the same Featured Panel were Dr Rodney Hill of Hofstra University, a prominent film scholar and archivist who considered the role of visual and filmic versions of New York, and Professor Alfonso J. García Osuna, who looked at literary interpretations of the city. IAFOR Vice-President, Professor Ted O’Neill of Gakushuin University, Japan, with IAFOR Scholarship winners, Ioannis Vardapolous of Harakopio University (Greece), and H. Kubra Gur Duzgun of Mimar Sina Fine Arts University (Turkey). Dr Ljiljana Markovic, Dean of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, spoke of cities as places of both conflict and compromise, as well as cooperation and reconstruction. Professor Markovic has been interested in the role of the university at the very heart of civil life in Serbia, where she also serves as a city councillor.
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