The last in the series of conferences in Brighton, UK, was The 6th European Conference on the Arts & Humanities (ECAH2019) and The 5th European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia2019), and saw a great line-up of Keynote and Featured presentations. The conference theme invited reflections on “Reclaiming the Future”, and included a Plenary Panel discussing this topic. Above left to right: Matthew Coats, former Textile Designer at the Chanel Fabric Studio (France) and lecturer in fashion at the University of Brighton (UK); Professor Donald E. Hall, cultural critic and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Science and Engineering at the University of Rochester (USA); Professor Bruce Brown, a design historian at the Royal College of Art (UK), and architect and Pro-Vice Chancellor Anne Boddington of Kingston University (UK).
Leading fashion historian Professor Lou Taylor of the University of Brighton (above top left), delivers a Keynote Presentation on “Haute Couture in Occupied Paris and Beyond, in World War Two: Issues of Nazi Cultural and Economic Control and the Diffusion and Consumption of Luxury Paris Fashion in War Time”. In his Keynote, “Resisting the Cynical Turn: Projections of a Desirably Queer Future”, Professor Donald E. Hall (above top right) discussed the responsibility of educators to offer alternatives to the insular nationalistic trends emerging in many Western countries. He called on those in the arts and humanities to resist cynicism and embrace a positive and inclusive message.
Jared Baxter (above bottom left), an independent researcher from the United States, presented an intriguing and original argument in his Keynote Presentation that Van Gogh’s Cafe Terrace at Night should be seen as a symbolist depiction of The Last Supper, in his Keynote Presentation “Van Gogh’s Last Supper: Striking New Evidence”. The conference closed with a Featured Presentation by Dr Alfonso J. García-Osuna (above bottom right) of Hofstra University (USA), who gave a thought-provoking talk on the ways in which technology is degrading society in “The Demise of Homo Sapiens: Thought and Perception in the Kingdom of Technology”.
ECAH/EuroMedia2019 Conference Programme and Abstract Book
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