Tag: Korea Foundation

The Ukraine Conflict: Challenges and Opportunities for Post-1945 East Asia
In response to the emerging crisis in Europe, IAFOR will be hosting a free online panel titled “The Ukraine Conflict: Challenges and Opportunities for Post-1945 East Asia” in collaboration with The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC), at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, and the Korea Foundation. This event is organised as …

KISA 13th Convention and APISA 15th Congress: Report
Operationalizing an East Asian Community of Peace and Development: Challenges and Opportunities Report by Haruko Satoh, Co-Director of the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, Japan. The IAFOR Research Centre (IRC) at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) took part as co-organisers in a successful …

“Post-Afghanistan America: Implications for Peace & Security in Asia” – An IAFOR Research Centre Roundtable
Thursday, October 7, 2021 16:00-17:30 (JST) Online The dust from the shock of US withdrawal from Afghanistan has yet to settle but its ramifications are far-reaching. In Asia, the main theatre of US-China rivalry, questions about America’s role and mode of engagement in the region abound in the wake of Afghanistan. President Biden signaled the …

Summary of the Special Roundtable on South Korea-Japan Relations
As part of the OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre’s (IRC) collaborative project on Korea and Japan in the Evolving China-US Relations, the Korea Foundation sponsored a Special Roundtable during the AAS-in-Asia 2020 Conference. Entitled “Japan and Korea in the US-China Relations: A Reappraisal of the Post-War Order”, the panel featured scholars from East Asian institutions, Haruko Satoh …

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Crisis of Global Politics: A View from Asia
In this Korea Foundation sponsored presentation, panellists discuss the impact of China-US relations on the system of global governance, and the claim that Asians’ “authoritarian tendency” is an asset to tackling the outbreak.