Ms Akiko Yoshimoto is the Vice-Governor of Aichi Prefecture, Japan. She has a long, celebrated career in government after her graduation from Tokyo University’s Faculty of Economics in March 1985.
Her first position was with the Ministry of Labor (which subsequently became Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) and over the years she has held several positions within the MHLW, focusing on labor standards and women and human resources development issues.
Interspersed with her vast experience within the MHLW, Ms. Yoshimoto graduated from Harvard Kennedy School Master in Public Policy, served in positions with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and also held the position of Deputy Mayor, Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
Ms Yoshimoto took on the role of Vice-Governor of Aichi in July of 2013, where much of her work revolves around issues of diversity in the workforce.
Ms Yoshimoto was a Guest Speaker at the ACCJ Chubu Diversity Summit in Nagoya, Japan.
IAFOR Media helped manage and record the event and IAFOR is also very proud to have been a Gold Level Sponsor.