Tag: Kobe

IAFOR Partners with the Association for Asian Studies for “AAS-in-Asia 2020”
“Asia at the Crossroads: Solidarity through Scholarship” August 31 – September 02, 2020 | The Kobe International Convention Center, Kobe, Japan Late last year, in the context of political unrest and mass protests in Hong Kong, the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) decided, in consultation with partners at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), …

AAS-in-Asia 2020
“Asia at the Crossroads: Solidarity through Scholarship” August 31 – September 02, 2020 | The Kobe International Convention Center, Kobe, Japan Late last year, in the context of political unrest and mass protests in Hong Kong, the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) decided, in consultation with partners at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), …

Kansai Resilience Forum 2019 – Video Highlights
The Kansai Resilience Forum 2019 was an event organised by the Government of Japan in collaboration with The International Academic Forum (IAFOR). It was packed with great interdisciplinary discussion and cross-sectoral insights, and included a special keynote address by world-renowned architect, Tadao Ando, who designed the event venue, the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, following …