We are delighted to announce that from 2019, the IAFOR Journal of Education will be listed in Elsevier’s Scopus database. Scopus is the #1 curated abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, covering over 23,000 journals. By being included in Scopus it will mean the visibility of research from the journal will be greatly enhanced.
Congratulations to the Editors, Editorial Boards and Reviewers for all their hard work in the past six years. Under the earlier editorship of Dr Bernard Montoneri, and the current editor, Dr Yvonne Masters, six volumes and 15 issues of the Journal have been published and the title has become widely indexed. Since May 2013, over 250 academics have had their research published in the IAFOR Journal of Education.
About the Journal
The IAFOR Journal of Education is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, international and intercultural journal. The journal encourages interdisciplinary research, with the primary focus being on addressing critical issues and current trends and research in education. This would include exploring significant themes, exceptional programs and promising practice in the field of education, and educational policy. The anticipated audience is preservice and inservice teachers and administrators, university faculty and students, education policy makers, and others interested in educational research.
Papers submitted by academic researchers, theorists, practising teachers, policy-makers and educational administrators are welcomed. Please visit the journal website to see all the past issue of the Journal, information on the submission procedure, or for details on the 2019 Publication Timeline.
Indexed in: Scopus (from 2019), DOAJ, ERIC, EBSCO Discovery Service, Education Source, MIAR, TROVE, SHERPA/RoMEO, WorldCat and Google Scholar. DOIs are assigned to each published issue and article via Crossref.