Welcome to the next blog post. We hope that you are finding the information interesting and relevant to you as you prepare articles for submission. This week’s post is directly applicable to our third 2020 issue.
Planning ahead
We are currently accepting submissions for our Technology in Education issue, with acceptance of submissions closing on 8 May. While you still have time to submit articles about technology in the educational arena, it is actually time to consider whether you want to submit to the next available issue, Undergraduate Education. The planning and writing of articles take time and therefore, if you research and/or work in undergraduate education, you should be planning an article now rather than when the call for papers goes out. Submissions for this issue open on Monday 11 May, a mere six weeks away!
Do you meet the aims and scope?
The first thing that you need to check is whether you are within the scope of the issue. If your work is in early childhood, primary or secondary schools, or with postgraduate students, then you do not fit the scope of our third issue. This has been a problem with many submissions for the current issue being reviewed: the papers were interesting but had nothing to do with technology in education. This resulted in these papers being immediately rejected, meaning that a submission of a different paper could not be made. Our home page clearly states that “once an article has been rejected, an author cannot resubmit either an amendment to this article or another article for this issue of the journal”.
Undergraduate Education
So, what is the scope of the Undergraduate Education issue? The aims and scope of the issue can be found at https://iafor.org/journal/iafor-journal-of-education/about/#undergraduate-education. Here you will find a range of topics that are within the issue’s scope and the list may trigger an idea for new ways in which to write up your research.
Ensure that you also check the author guidelines so that your paper is formatted correctly and that you are using APA referencing. You want to maximise your chances of your paper moving to full review.
Happy writing ahead and we look forward to many submissions on undergraduate education after 11 May.
Dr Yvonne Masters
IAFOR Journal of Education