Tag: Reflective Practice

Academic Staff Induction and Assessment on Implementing Experiential Learning and Reflective Practice
Authors: Vera Maria Nistor, Otago Polytechnic, Auckland International Campus, New Zealand Don Amila Sajeevan Samarasinghe, Otago Polytechnic, Auckland International Campus, New Zealand Email: vera.nistor@op.ac.nz Published: December 1, 2019 https://doi.org/10.22492/ije.7.2.08 Citation: Nistor, V. M., & Samarasinghe, D. A. S. (2019). Academic Staff Induction and Assessment on Implementing Experiential Learning and Reflective Practice. IAFOR Journal of Education, …

Learning Strategies in Practice-based Courses
Professor Steve Cornwell interviews IAFOR Keynote Speaker and award-winning photographer Dr Paul Lowe of the University of the Arts London.