Category: Education
Interdisciplinary Education as Our Best Hope for the Future
Donald E. Hall explains the essential need for interdisciplinary education in the liberal arts and sciences – especially as informed by the humanities, the social sciences, the visual and performing arts and cultural studies.
International Education
In this interview Dr Haldane and Dr Hope discuss the importance of international education and how, with proper care and attention, it can help change the world.
Through the Looking Glass: Home, the World and the Anthropocene
Professor Baden Offord draws on his cultural studies and human rights research to explore the compelling question of co-existence in the Anthropocene.
Concerns over the Indonesian Education System
“The issues with education in Indonesia are complex but addressing them is vital for the proper development of society. When teachers do not or cannot deliver quality instruction it has a noticeable and debilitating effect on students.”
Transforming and Changing Education
Professor Sue Jackson, Pro-Vice-Master for Learning and Teaching and Professor of Lifelong Learning and Gender at Birkbeck, University of London, discusses the transformative power of education with IAFOR Executive Director, Dr Joseph Haldane.
Transforming Pedagogical Spaces: Knowledge, Becoming and Belonging
In her Keynote Presentation at The European Conference on Education 2014 (ECE2014) Professor Penny Jane Burke explores possibilities for developing “transformative pedagogies” in higher education.
Deconstructing Learner Identities
In his Keynote Address Professor Dennis McInerney examined the philosophical nature of identity and in this interview IAFOR Executive Director, Dr Joseph Haldane, continues the discussion on identity with Professor McInerney.
Transformative Pedagogies – Recognising and Responding to the Elements of Developmental Contexts
Dr Mona Abo-Zena, Visiting Assistant Professor at Brown University, USA, focuses on how individuals’ diverse experiences affect developmental and educational processes, practices and outcomes from early childhood through emerging adulthood.
IAFOR & Interdisciplinarity
Learn how IAFOR’s conferences and publications encourage interdisciplinary activity and its expansion in academia.
Achieving Equity in Education
Professor Penny Jane Burke, Professor Heidi Safia Mirza and Professor Sue Jackson discuss transforming education, engaging differences and creating inclusive spaces at The European Conference on Education 2014.
Crunch Time: Real Challenges in Internationalising Japan’s Universities
In her Featured Presentation at The Asian Conference on Education 2014, Professor Haruko Satoh discusses the challenges of internationalising academic programs and culture in Japanese Universities.
A Message from IAFOR Education Conference Chair, Professor Sue Jackson
IAFOR’s International Director of Programme for Education, Professor Sue Jackson (Birkbeck, University of London), discusses IAFOR’s Education conferences.
Decolonising Pedagogies
Professor Heidi Safia Mirza draws on black and postcolonial feminist perspectives to explore ways in which professional black and female academics engage in ‘embodied’ work towards decolonising dominant regimes of ‘diversity’ in higher education.
TEDx and Augmented Reality – Informal Learning and International Exchange with Mobile Technology
In their Featured Presentation at The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2015 (ACTC2015), Eric Hawkinson, Martin Stack and Erin Noxon discuss the latest advances in Augmented Reality (AR) technology and the potential impacts it can have on education.
Why join an IAFOR conference?
A look into the international, intercultural and interdisciplinary world of an IAFOR conference and why you should attend. Featuring footage shot at our conferences and interviews with leading academics.
When Will We Ever Learn? Ten Great Educators and their Legacy
Alan Maley surveys the work of ten great educators, some of whom have been prestigious and highly influential innovators, while others were isolated, passionate experimenters, whose pioneering work is relatively little known.
The Importance of Educators and their Legacy
In this interview IAFOR President Dr Joseph Haldane speaks with language learning expert Alan Maley about historically important figures in the field of education.