
The videos below have been filmed at IAFOR conferences and offer insights and perspectives from some of the world’s leading academics.

Communication, Technology and Transparency in Times of COVID

This presentation from ACCS/ACAS2020 compares and contrasts responses to the COVID-19 pandemic from several national contexts, and looks at questions of privacy and freedoms in the context of lockdowns, and the conflicting roles of technology to both free and constrain.

Numeratives in Japanese: How speakers perceive things when they count

In this ACSS2020 Keynote Presentation, Dr Asako Iida will show the cognitive frameworks which are filtering the morphological application of numeratives in Japanese, and consider the cultural backgrounds affecting them.

Embracing the Power of Difference as an Elementary Idea

“This presentation uses the context of post-experience management learning in a European Business School to illustrate some of the problems and pitfalls of difference, as well as the tremendous potential of an awareness of its true nature.”

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Crisis of Global Politics: A View from Asia

In this Korea Foundation sponsored presentation, panellists discuss the impact of China-US relations on the system of global governance, and the claim that Asians’ “authoritarian tendency” is an asset to tackling the outbreak.

Language and Power in Interfaith Dialogue: Inclusion, Exclusion and Essentialism

Speaking at ACL2020, Dr Stephen E. Gregg discusses the particular importance of language and power discourse in the projection of religious identities which seek to both embrace and highlight difference.

The Ups and Downs of Language Learning

In this talk at ACL2020, Dr Christina Gkonou examines “the constructs of emotion and anxiety – which is the most frequently studied emotion within second language acquisition – and how they impact on learners’ classroom experiences”.

Making Communicative Teaching Viable through “Bottom-up” Task-based Assessment

This talk will introduce a new task-based assessment tool designed for the classroom. If successful, this has the potential to both inform and transform communicative language teaching in Asian contexts and beyond.


“Beyond our common and often tepid proclamation of respect for “diversity”, it is imperative that we promote and defend the inherently generative effect of the “unsettledness” that terrifies so many of our fellow citizens.”

Embracing Difference: Religious Diversity in the UK

This presentation looks beyond the “brand” of multiculturalism/diverse heritage of the modern UK to understand religious identities beyond essentialising and reductive categories of membership or belonging.

The Asian Conference on Aging and Gerontology AGEN IAFOR

Aging Data: NACDA & an Open-source Repository

Funded by the National Institute on Aging in the United States, NACDA represents one of the world’s largest collections of research data. The workshop will introduce you to NACDA and are many research partners across the world.

Helping a Stranger in Japan: Who Helps and Why?

Is Japan really a helpful nation? Are the Japanese compassionate people? This presentation provides evidence that, in Japan, the decision to help a stranger depends heavily on what the situation dictates.

Religious Complicity and LGBTQ Rights

“This talk will focus on the supposed conflict between religious complicity claims and LGBTQ rights, especially transgender rights and same-sex marriage in the United States, and the relative lack of such complicity claims in Japan…”

Dialectical Behavior Therapy – Its Relevance for Japan in Social Transition

“Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)’s biosocial theory posits transactions between an invalidating environment and an individual’s emotional vulnerability as the factor for the development of borderline personality disorder.”

From South East Asian Classrooms to the Middle of the North Pacific!

Speaking at ACEID2020, Lowell Sheppard talks about his planned voyage to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and announces the Pacific Solo Learning Project.

Teaching Online through Podcasting

“The purpose of this workshop is to highlight the benefits of podcasting in higher education. Participants in this workshop will discover the benefits of podcasting. The ease of creating one’s own podcast will be demonstrated step by step.”

Educating Children in Vulnerable Communities

“How do we ensure that all children are receiving the same level of quality education, especially in situations of vulnerable students?”

WHO’s Role in Emergency 21st Century Challenges

In this ACEID2020 Keynote Presentation, Dr Ryoma Kayano from the World Health Organisation (WHO) Centre for Health Development in Kobe, Japan, will discuss the WHO’s role in emergency 21st century challenges.

Publishing Snakes and Ladders: Navigating a Path to Publication

In this workshop, using the IAFOR Journal of Education as an example whilst also referring to journals more generally, you will be taken through a number of aspects of presenting your work for publication.

Embracing Difference by Design: Virtues and Vices

In this Keynote Presentation from ACAH/ACSS2020, Professor Bruce Brown of the Royal College of Art, UK, speaks on “Embracing Difference by Design: Virtues and Vices”.

ACAS2020 Design and Democracy Panel Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Design and Democracy

In this IAFOR/Konrad Adenauer Foundation co-organised presentation, panellists Bruce Brown (Royal College of Art, UK), Saito Nagayuki (International Professional University of Technology, Japan), and Ryuji Yamazaki-Skov (Osaka University, Japan), talk about the intersection of design and democracy from their respective backgrounds.

Professor Gaurav Desai

Precarious Futures, Precarious Pasts: Migritude and Planetarity

In this talk, Professor Gaurav Desai aims to think through “the figure of the migrant not just as someone who moves from one sociopolitical context – village, town, city, nation – to another, but to think through migrant experiences as they relate to larger planetary concerns.”

Richard Roth Attica Prison Riots

History, Story, Narrative: Covering the Attica Prison Riots

Professor Richard Roth speaks about his own experience as a rookie reporter covering the Attica Prison Riots – coverage which earned him a 1972 nomination for the Pulitzer Prize.

Professor Mark Pegrum, The University of Western Australia

Beyond web 2.0: Designing authentic mobile learning for everyday contexts in Asia

In this Keynote, Professor Mark Pegrum illustrates the potential of mobile augmented reality (AR) language and literacy learning projects, with particular focus on recent gamified learning trails in Asia.