Submissions are closed and we're not receiving manuscripts.
- Articles that do not follow our guidelines and APA style will be rejected. Generally, typical submissions are about 7,500 words in length, NOT including references/footnotes; abstract 250 words maximum, 3-6 keywords. Significantly shorter (or longer) texts would find it difficult to advance to the publication stage.
- We do not send papers with a similarity index higher than 15% to the editorial team (submissions should not be a collection of quotes, even if properly cited and referenced).
- Manuscripts that offer long synopses of literary texts (or films and TV), along with critical analyses with derivative conclusions, are discouraged from submission. These papers are very unlikely to reach the publication stage.
- The IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies is an international endeavour with an international audience. This means that papers may be rejected to maintain the journal's Internationality when there is a disproportionately high number of submissions from one country.
- Papers must be professionally edited and proofread before submission. Please seek the help of an expert and native speaker in the field if needed. These standards are non-negotiable and strictly enforced by the editor of the IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies.
- An author who submits substantially similar work to more than one publisher, or who submits work similar to work already published, must disclose this at the time of submission in the Dual Publications field.
- Because we receive so many submissions, we generally won’t be able to offer detailed feedback on the reasons why an article is not accepted.
- Please note that papers already submitted to or published in IAFOR or any other Conference Proceedings are not accepted for publication in any of IAFOR’s journals.
- Once an article has been rejected, an author cannot resubmit either an amendment to this article or another article for this issue of the journal.
- In general, it takes 2 to 3 months to return a decision to authors. Thank you for your patience during this time.
- We will only accept one submission from any author in a particular issue and no more than two submissions, in different issues, over the course of a year. This includes both individual and shared authorship. If you submit as an individual you may not be a shared author on another submission, and vice versa. Also, if you have had a submission rejected you cannot be an author on another paper for that same issue.