Authors: Bradley Irwin, Nihon University College of International Relations, Japan
Published: January 19, 2018
Citation: Irwin, B. (2018). Written Corrective Feedback: Student Preferences and Teacher Feedback Practices IAFOR Journal of Language Learning, 3(2).
This case study explores the intricate interaction between students' preferences for written corrective feedback and actual teacher feedback practices in a second year academic EFL writing class in a Japanese university. Specific institutional and instructional details establish the context in which written feedback is being provided. A quantitative data analysis approach was incorporated using questionnaires and by thoroughly examining samples of teacher feedback. Data was collected from students using a survey and protocol questionnaire at the end of the course. Teacher written feedback practices were examined by collecting and analyzing students' graded essays and also by interviewing the teacher at the end of the school term. The results showed that while many of the students' feedback preferences were addressed by the teacher, there were some points of divergence. The results also show that while the teacher attempted to offer various types of feedback, it remained largely teacher centered, resulting in students having a somewhat passive role in the feedback process. This study concludes that while there is a need for teachers to take their students' feedback preferences into account, diversity and a range of feedback strategies are more important considerations.
Teacher feedback, student preferences, L2 writing