Tag: JoE News

Jump in Scopus Ranking for IAFOR Journal of Education

Congratulations to IAFOR Journal of Education! Scopus, the top citation database, released its updated CiteScore rank for 2023 and the IAFOR Journal of Education continues in its upward trajectory. The journal saw a big leap in the rankings. According to the figures, the journal moved up from the 2022 CiteScore of 1.6 (rank #831/1463 –

Now Published: Volume 12 Issue 1 – IAFOR Journal of Education – Language Learning in Education

Welcome to the Language Learning in Education Issue IAFOR Journal of Education: Volume 12 – Issue 1 – Language Learning in Education Editor: Melinda Cowart, Texas Woman’s University (TWU), USA Published: June 1, 2024 ISSN: 2187-0594 https://doi.org/10.22492/ije.11.1 Dear Readers, Since the publication of the 2023 issue, the number of those engaged in the pursuit of

Call for Papers: IAFOR Journal of Education – Technology in Education

Submissions are now open! Volume 12 – Issue 2: The Technology in Education Issue Submissions open: Tuesday April 23, 2024, 2024 Submissions close:Thursday May 23, 2024 (9am JST) Target publication date: Tuesday August 27, 2024 IAFOR Journal of Education: Volume 12 – Issue 2 – Technology in Education will publish in August 2024 and submissions

IAFOR Journal of Education – Language Learning in Education: Call for Papers

IAFOR Journal of Education – Language Learning in Education: Call for Papers

Volume 12 – Issue 1: The Language Learning in Education Issue Submissions open: Tuesday January 16, 2024 Submissions close: Friday February 26 (9am JST), 2024 Target publication date: Thursday May 30, 2024 As the call goes out for submissions for our next Language Learning in Education issue, there exists a world in substantially more chaos and calamity.

IAFOR Journal of Education: Call for Papers

Volume 11 – Issue 1: The Language Learning in Education Issue Submissions open: Monday January 16, 2023 Submissions close: Friday February 24 (9am JST), 2023 Target publication date: Friday May 26, 2023 Educators engaged in teaching and researching the teaching and learning of second and additional languages continue to encounter new challenges and face the

Indexing & Scopus: IAFOR Journal of Education

One of the most frequent questions that we are asked about the IAFOR Journal of Education is whether it is indexed with Scopus. It is: we were granted Scopus indexing mid-2019. But what does this mean? Why should journals want to be indexed? And why Scopus? The IAFOR Journal of Education is currently indexed in

How to Maintain Academic Publication in Difficult Times

Today, November 25, 2021, a round table session was held at The 13th Asian Conference on Education (ACE) and three editors/ associate editors recorded their views on how to be resilient in times of difficulty. They were asked to provide strategies that they have found successful in maintaining their impetus to publish. I thank Pearl

Call for Reviewers: IAFOR Journal of Education – Inclusive Education

The  IAFOR Journal of Education is an internationally reviewed and editorially independent Open Access interdisciplinary journal associated with IAFOR’s international conferences on education. The journal’s Executive Editor, Dr Yvonne Masters, is calling for reviewers to assist with the peer review process for the upcoming journal issue, Inclusive Education. About the Issue The IAFOR Journal of

But I have presented at conferences!

As we continue to look at what is required to be a reviewer, we turn our attention to the criterion that states the requirement for an emerging publication record. Clearly this refers to having some publications already. But what are considered publications? What is “emerging”? We’ll take the second question first. My article has been

‘Course I talks proper English!

In the last blog we addressed what we are looking for in our reviewers and spoke about an ability to time manage. In this post, we turn our attention to the criterion that states: excellent English language skills. What does this actually mean? The heading of this post suggests what it definitely doesn’t mean. I

Submissions open for IAFOR Journal of Education – Volume 9 Issue 5 – Undergraduate Education

IAFOR Journal of Education: Undergraduate Education –  Submissions Now Open Submissions close: Friday August 13, 2021 (9am JST) Target publication date: October 22, 2021 The Undergraduate Education Issue (Scopus) IAFOR Journal of Education: Undergraduate Education encourages exploration of significant themes, exceptional programs and promising practice in such fields as undergraduate research, programs, teaching styles, out-of-class

What it Means to be a Reviewer for a Journal

It has been a while since we published a blog about reviews. In this blog, I want to turn away from the review form and begin to look at the topic of what it means to be a reviewer. Most academic journals use a review process and this means that they are often seeking new

The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2017

Submissions still open for IAFOR Journal of Education – Volume 9 Issue 4 – Technology in Education

IAFOR Journal of Education: Technology in Education – submissions close: Friday June 11, 2021 (9am JST) Target publication date: August 27, 2021 The Technology in Education Issue The IAFOR Journal of Education: Technology in Education seeks high-quality, original submissions encouraging exploration of the impact of technology in diverse educational settings both formal and informal. The

IAFOR Journal of Education: Call for Issue Editor

The IAFOR Journal of Education Editor-in-Chief, Dr Joseph Haldane, is looking for an experienced researcher to be appointed as editor for the journal’s Studies in Education issue. The new Editor will be responsible for one issue per year devoted to Studies in Education with the first issue for the new editor to be published December

IAFOR Journal of Education: Language Learning in Education Issue – Volume 9 Issue 3 – Call for Papers

About the issue As the call goes out for submissions to our next Language Learning in Education issue the world is still in the grips of a pandemic: a situation that this time last year we thought would be over by now. Education has faced new challenges and opportunities and language learning has had to

IAFOR Journal of Education Special Issue: COVID-19: Education Responses to a Pandemic

Announcing the IAFOR Journal of Education Special Issue: Volume 9, Issue 2: COVID-19: Education Responses to a Pandemic About the issue When I started this blog, I was in what was originally meant to be a 6-day lockdown in South Australia, just one example of a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As this virus continues

Inclusive Education Scopejpg

Understanding Scope and the Inclusive Education Issue

Quite some time ago, in fact way back in March before the world went so topsy turvy, I wrote about the need to check the aims and scope of journals. However, I am revisiting that blog now with a very specific purpose in mind. Inclusive Education Problem Submissions Submissions are currently open for our Inclusive

IAFOR Journal of Education: Inclusive Education: Call for Papers

The IAFOR Journal of Education is continuing to attract attention from authors globally. The new structure, with thematic issues, has had submissions pouring in. We have already published Language Learning in Education, Technology in Education, and Undergraduate Education. IAFOR Journal of Education: Inclusive Education is now open for submissions and will remain open until 9.00am

Preprint: Is it Printed or Not?

Moving away from the review process again, this week we are looking at pre-prints. Whilst not directly part of the formal review process, it is certainly linked to it as we are considering putting our research study into the public arena before going through a formal process. What is a preprint? A preprint is a

Abstract: Choose the Correct Definition!

In this blog we are returning to the manuscript review form and how, by understanding the form, it can assist when writing your paper. This week we look solely at the abstract in a journal submission. What is an abstract? The word “abstract” can have many meanings and it can be a noun, adjective or

JoE blog piece of string

How Long is a Piece of String?

Digressing from our review template blogs (although word length is part of the review process), this week I want to talk to you about article length. Here in Australia (and possibly elsewhere), when asking a question about how much of something might be required, or how long something might take, the frivolous answer might well

Grammar and Structure and Title, Oh My!

It has been a while since I wrote the first two blogs on the topic of reviews, but it is time for the next instalment. The editor has decided to send your paper for review, has de-identified it, and found a minimum of two people ready to review. Each reviewer is sent a review form

JoE Studies in Education

IAFOR Journal of Education: Studies in Education: Call for Papers

We are delighted to announce the next of our new issues of the expanded IAFOR Journal of Education (JoE). The topic of this next issue is Studies in Education and we welcome the new Editor, Dr Tony Yeigh. Dr Yeigh is an experienced lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry.

Understanding the Review Process Part 2

Image Credit: Internet Reputation In my last blog I discussed the first phase of the review process: the editor-in-chief plagiarism and scope check. Unfortunately, 70% or more papers are rejected at this level because they either contain plagiarism, or because they are out of scope, or, even worse, both. This should not happen as you

Understanding the Review Process

In my last blog I discussed the need for referencing in articles submitted to the journal. One of the reasons for referencing that I mentioned was that it gives credibility to your work. The process of reviewing also lends credibility because, by the time a paper is published, it has been through a rigorous screening

Reference! Reference! Reference!

Everyone is keen to get their research published. We are excited with what we have accomplished and want to tell the world! However, a very important aspect of getting published is getting the referencing right. We have already talked about plagiarism, the issue of NOT acknowledging sources, now it is time to turn to the

Spotlight on Undergraduate Education

Last week I said that I would discuss APA referencing in this week’s blog. That was my intention, forgetting that this week sees the opening of the submission period for the next issue of the journal: Vol 8 Issue 3: Undergraduate Education. It seemed appropriate to concentrate on this now and move to APA next

Never Forget the Basics

This week’s blog makes me feel a little like a broken record. Some of this blog was the topic of two previous blog posts, but it is information that bears repeating. The rest of this blog will be related, as the whole blog post is concerned with author guidelines. Ensure you meet the scope of

IAFOR Journal of Education Proofreading

Proofreading Your Work

I hope that this week finds you all safe and healthy and enjoying some possible catch-up time for writing. This week’s blog is going to be fairly short and about a very mundane topic: proofreading! A basic rule for publication While there are many rules to remember when it comes to getting published, some of

IAFOR JoE Covid-19-banner

Announcing a Special Issue: COVID-19: Education Responses to a Pandemic

The world is currently in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic and there would be very few who are not touched by it in some way whether through missing important family or religious events because of social distancing or complete lockdown, through to more devastating effects such as loss of employment or the illness of