Face and Authority: Cultural Challenges of Teaching in China

Author: Paweł Zygadło, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, PRC
Email: pawel.zygadlo@xjtlu.edu.cn
Published: November 2, 2020

Citation: Zygadło, P. (2020). Face and Authority: Cultural Challenges of Teaching in China. IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.22492/ijcs.5.2.05


This article is meant as a reflection on the applicability of modern educational theories in a society in which embracing modernity does not necessarily imply the denial of traditional values. The theoretical divagations based on a comparison of arguments currently relevant in the western world regarding education and the historically dominant socio-ethical values in China will be followed by a short analysis of specific instances demonstrating the persistent nature of the latter. As there are undeniable advantages of the modern approach to education, the rift between western and Chinese views on the educational model is still quite apparent. The text will demonstrate the main points of divergence and will try to outline another possible approach towards modern education in a Chinese context.


China, Chinese culture, Chinese education Chinese values, face, source of knowledge