Student-Produced Podcasts in Language Learning – Exploring Student Perceptions of Podcast Activities

Author: Birgit Phillips, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Austria
Published: December 4, 2017

Citation: Phillips, B. (2017). Student-Produced Podcasts in Language Learning – Exploring Student Perceptions of Podcast ActivitiesIAFOR Journal of Education, 5(3).


Podcasts are a useful tool for developing speaking skills in language acquisition settings, particularly within the context of the emerging Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). While much research has emphasized the effectiveness of teacher-produced podcasts, this study seeks to address the gap in knowledge on student-generated podcasts in language learning. In addition to highlighting some of the main pedagogical considerations of using podcasts in language learning, this paper explores students’ perceptions of podcasts as a learning tool. To this end, this study describes the results of two surveys which were conducted with two different student cohorts over the course of two years. The surveys explored the students’ levels of acceptance and enjoyment of activities in which they had to produce their own podcasts, as well as the perceived learning benefits. The discussion section describes a range of positive learning outcomes and highlights the pedagogical implications of using podcasts in class. The paper concludes with some practical suggestions for the effective use of student-generated podcast activities in the language classroom.


podcasts, language learning, collaborative learning, digital storytelling, learning technology, MALL