Branko Anđić, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Srđan Kadić, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Rade Grujičić, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Desanka Malidžan, School "Radojica Perović", Montenegro
Published: June 1, 2018
Citation: Anđić, B., Kadić, S., Grujičić, R., & Malidžan, D. (2018). A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes of Primary School Students and Teachers Regarding the Use of Games in Teaching. IAFOR Journal of Education, 6(2).
This paper provides an overview of the attitudes of students and teachers toward the use of educational games in the teaching process. The study encompassed a didactic experiment, and adopted interviewing techniques and theoretical analysis. Likert distributions of attitudes to particular game types are presented in tables and the arithmetic means of Likert values are used as indicators of centrality. Spearman's rank correlations between teaching and student attitudes are also discussed. The research has shown that word associations, memory games, anagrams and quizzes are games that enhance students' motivation the most, whereas crosswords and rebuses have been found to be least interesting. Teachers, on the other hand, find that self-made games are better than ready-made games, as they inspire creativity in teaching.
educational games, teaching, motivation, primary school, students, teachers