Areej Radhi Alruwaili, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia
Aser Altalab, Jouf University Saudi Arabia
Published: May 31, 2023
Citation: Alruwaili, A. R., & Altalab, A. (2023). Changing the “Mindset” of Saudi MA Students: From Native-Speakerism to Global Englishes. IAFOR Journal of Education, 11(1).
English is an international language with diverse varieties around the world that are referred to as Global Englishes (GE). Numerous studies demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of integrating GE-informed materials in English Language Teaching (ELT) practices but in the context of the Gulf countries, particularly in Saudi Arabia, such studies are relatively rare. Furthermore, ELT in the Saudi setting is heavily predicated on native-speakerism, with few courses adopting materials informed by GE, which in any case are also limited. This study addresses this gap by exploring the impact of a course delivered on English as a World Language to Saudi postgraduate students using a critical pedagogical approach. The study assesses how such a course can contribute to students’ awareness of their own English as well as GE in general. This qualitative research study investigated the perceptions of Saudi students taking the optional course as part of their Master’s English degree at Jouf University in Saudi Arabia. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews and reflective journals. The findings revealed positive attitudes towards incorporating GE into English learning and teaching and an improved understanding of linguistic diversity after taking the course. The pedagogical implications of the findings are discussed, and recommendations are given for integrating GE into current ELT practices. The study explores whether incorporating a critical pedagogical approach can not only enhance students’ awareness of English varieties, but also improve their attitudes towards such diverse forms of English as well as their own English variety.
critical pedagogical approach, Global Englishes, native-speakerism, qualitative approach, student perceptions, World Englishes