Stina Westman, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Janne Kauttonen, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Aarne Klemetti, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Niilo Korhonen, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Milja Manninen, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Asko Mononen, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Salla Niittymäki, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Henry Paananen, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Published: August 27, 2021
Citation: Westman, S., Kauttonen, J., Klemetti, A., Korhonen, N., Manninen, M., Mononen, A., Niittymäki, S., & Paananen, H. (2021). Artificial Intelligence for Career Guidance – Current Requirements and Prospects for the Future, 9(4).
Career guidance in the era of life-long learning faces challenges related to building accessible services that bridge education and employment services. So far, only limited research has been conducted on using artificial intelligence to support guidance across higher education and working life. This paper reports on development on using artificial intelligence to support and further career guidance in higher education institutions. Results from focus groups, scenario work and practical trials are presented, mapping requirements and possibilities for using artificial intelligence in career guidance from the viewpoints of students, guidance staff and institutions. The findings indicate potential value and functions as well as drivers and barriers for adopting artificial intelligence in career guidance to support higher education and life-long learning. The authors conceptualize different modes of agency and maturity levels for the involvement of artificial intelligence in guidance processes based on the results. Recommended future research topics in the area of artificially enhanced guidance services include agency in guidance interaction, developing guidance data ecosystem and ethical issues.
agency, artificial intelligence, career guidance, data, ethics, higher education