IAFOR Journal of Education: Volume 5 – Issue 3 – Winter 2017
Editor: Bernard Montoneri, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Published: December 4, 2017
ISSN: 2187-0594
Students with a Foreign Background in Italian Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) and the access to Italian as Second Language
Luisa Daniele, ANPAL - Italian Agency for Active Labour Market Policy, Italy
Empirical Validation of Indices for Consideration in the Revision of Recommended Senior School Financial Accounting Textbooks in Southwestern Nigeria
Oyebode Stephen Oyetoro & Oloyede Ezekiel Ojo, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
The Impact of Pecha Kucha Presentations in the Assessment of a Translation Studies Unit at The University of Western Australia
Anna Gadd Colombi, University of Western Australia, Australia
Elements of Motivational Structure for Studying Mechanical Engineering
Nikša Dubreta, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Damir Miloš, Catholic University of Croatia, Croatia
Cognitive Strategies Use in Reading Comprehension and its Contributions to Students' Achievement
Imam Suyitno, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Effects of Geographic Information System on the Learning of Environmental Education Concepts in Basic Computer-Mediated Classrooms in Nigeria
Ayobami Gideon Adeleke, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
Investigating the Major Effect of Principal’s Change Leadership on School Teachers’ Professional Development
Dian-Fu Chang, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Sheng-Nan Chen, Yong Fu Elementary School, Taiwan
Wen-Ching Chou, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Student-Produced Podcasts in Language Learning – Exploring Student Perceptions of Podcast Activities
Birgit Phillips, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Austria